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Saturday, October 10, 2009


I want to encourage everybody to ask there doctor to order a vitamin d 25 hydroxy test on their lab work to measure the specific amounts of vitamin d in their body. Taking a multi vitamin with additional D IS SIMPLY NOT ENOUGH. You need to buy specific vitamin D3, Vital Nutrients makes a good one, but I have also seen it at Whole Foods. The D3 is the only way to build up the amounts of vitamin d that are needed not only for healthy bones but also a healthy immune system. In fact I would say that it is absolutely crucial!!!!! Please go to Dr. Mercola's website and download his one hour lecture on the benefits of vitamin D, it is fascinating.

The test levels range from 25-70. If your test range results come back under 30, which 75% of the population I bet would--this is consider high risk for cancer, ms and severe health challenges. With a culture that is obsessed with staying out of the sun, wearing 40 sunblock and sitting at our computers inside all day long....we have created a very vicious cycle with our own bodies. The optimum range is at the higher end and it best at a level of 60. If you are fighting cancer than even 75 would be ideal. Here is my biggest suggestion for all you people who are running out to get the flu shot this fall and winter season, get your vitamin d 3 up to snuff and you will avoid the sniffles this year. Why not??, its better than that vaccine which is full of mercury and will only cost 20 for a bottle. Plus aside from avoiding the flu there are many other greats benefits of raising your levels. Bone strength, helpful for depression, weight gain, food craving and so much more. Trust me one this one, its a no brainer.

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