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Saturday, November 7, 2009


This time of the year I always gravitate back to some of my grandmother Beach's old wives holistic remedies. And yes, they are usually the simplest, most cost effective and most effective healing remedies available. One of my favorites is raw cultured APPLES CIDER VINEGAR and heres a little bit of background on it. Fact: Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine in 400 B.c treated his patients with natural, ACV for its powerful healing cleansing qualities. It's a naturally occurring antibiotic, antiseptic and miraculously fights germs and bacteria. The internal benefits include:
*Rich miracle enzymes and potassium
*Helps control and normalize weight
*Improves digestion and assimilation
*Helps relieve arthritis and stiffness
*Relieves dry and sore throats
*Helps remove body toxins

The external benefits include:

*Helps promote a youthful body
*Helps maintain healthy skin
*Helps prevent dandruff , baldness and itching scalp
*Soothes tight, arching muscles and joints

Organic Apple cider vinegar is the #1 food I recommend in my health and colonic practice for maintaining the body's vital acid-alkaline balance.

ACV combats gallstones
ACV helps shrink prostate
ACV Vinegar for feminine hygiene
Fight arthritis with ACV
ACV helps rid the body of mucous. THIS IS WHY I TURN TO IT IN THE FALL/WINTER MONTHS.

Millions have postnasal drip and are plagued with toxic mucous in their sinus cavities and throat. If sinus sufferers remove all dairy products and wheat from their diet and use ample ample amounts of ACV, soon al these mucous conditions will vanish.

Upon rising, have a glass of warm, distilled water with 1 or 2 tsp of ACV and 1-2 teaspoon raw honey. Also enjoy this drink midmorning and mid afternoon. On your salads use 1-2 tsp of ACV combined with braggs amino acids or olive oil.

For throat gargle and nasal wash: Add 1-2 tsp ACV to 1/2 glass warm water for a throat gargle or nasal sniff wash to help clean out the mucous.

ACV makes the best mouthwash available. One tsp ACV to half glass water (kills mouth bacteria, fights plaque and tarter, helps prevent gum disease, promotes healing and freshens breath.

Another tip I give at my Colonic Institute for constipation. It's important that the bowels move regularly and freely. Outgo most equal intake. You should have a bowel movement soon after rising and within an hour after meals. Flaxseed tea with ACV acts like a bowel lubricant.

Boil two cups distilled water with 4 TBS flaxseeds for 15 minutes or soak overnight. Mixture becomes jellylike when cold. Add 2 Tbls of mixture, plus 1 tsp ACV to glass distilled water and honey. Drink upon rising and an hour before bed. Store in refrigerator and use when needed.

Buy Braggs RAW APPLE CIDER VINEGAR in any health food store and enjoy all the benefits year round. till later beauties. LOVE AND PEACE AND FAITH ALWAYS

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