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Saturday, February 27, 2010


If you've ever polished off a fresh baguette or fought over that last slice of deep dish pizza, you've eaten gluten. It's the healthy plant protein found in several grains that makes bread light, chewy and irresistible. So you'd think it would be everybody's favorite nutrient...NOPE. Instead, shunning gluten which is found in wheat, rye, barley and often oats--has been the craze diet of todays times. Why?? Lots of people, myself included swear they feel 10 times better when they stay away from gluten. Celebs, Gwenyth Paltrow, Jenny Mccarthy to name only a few are all gluten free. Also for certain people avoiding gluten is a medical must. So could all those stomach cramps be caused by your morning bagel? Should you try going gluten free?? Here's the real whats what on that pesky gluten.

SOME PEOPLE CAN'T TOLERATE GLUTEN: Period. In them gluten triggers an immune system attack on the small intestines, also known as celiac disease. This disorder isnt all that common, but it gaining in numbers over the last decade. 97% of the people with celiacs go undiagnosed. Symptoms range from gas, bloating and fatigue to seizures and depression. Over time, celiac disease can screw up digestion to the point of malnutrition. Self test kits are sold on line and can provide clues and blood tests are the next test, but a definitive diagnosis requires a biopsy.

SOME PEOPLE ARE SENSITIVE TO GLUTEN: But "gluten sensitivity" is a medical grey area. There are no tests for it and although problems-migraines, skin breakouts and even autism have been blamed on it, doctors haven't found a clear link. If you suspect you are sensitive, before you put your toaster and pasta machine in ebay, try going gluten free for a few weeks to see if your symptoms improve. Add a bit of gluten back into your diet and if they return, you are on to something.

HOW TO TRY GOING GLUTEN FREE: Most suspicious foods are easy to spot. They include anything with wheat, bread, muffins, cookies, most baked goods--as well as foods made with several other grains: barley soups, ham on try, anything with oats. But there are many hidden sources too. gluten is used in soy sauce, beer, hot dogs, some icecremes, carmel flavoring, sausages and foods seasoned with MSG. FYI, its even used in adhesives on stamps and envelopes. So take a few other steps.

Read the fine print on labels. Switch pasta to rice. Wheaties to Corn flakes. CousCous to quinoa, waffles to buckwheat ( which is gluten free believe it out not).
Give waiters the third degree. Ask if sauces, meat and fish are made with wheat flour or bread crumbs. Ask if there is thickener in the soups. If the salad dressing is bottled or there is carmel flavoring.

Make your favorite brownies using half rice flour and half tapioca flour. Dare your friend to know the difference!!! Then see how you feel. If your body has happily shifted into a new a and healthier gear, ENJOY the gluten free lifestyle. If you are anything like the results Ive experienced along with hundreds of my clients--you will feel 10 years younger and feel lighter than ever. What do you have to lose??? Let me know how you feel-- Id love to know

1 comment:

Herbalisl said...

I always heard that oat was a no no for gluten free diets seems that info has been stored in my brain forever...
Steve went internet surfing this morning and tells me that he read that Oat is gluten free...
whuts the dealio?