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Saturday, May 22, 2010


Detox Diva turned 41 this past weekend. I have so much gratitude for the the life experiences and challenges that have made me the strong, warrior-like, feminine goddess than I am. We all are handed a different hand in life and it is very easy to fall into the trap of looking at others around us and be jealous or envious of how "EASY" things come for them, or how "Lucky in Love" they are or "Always upbeat and happy." I know we can all relate to this one level or another. I can honestly say, that I find myself at times looking my colleagues in the health care industry and "comparing" my health status or health regime and wondering why I cant be as "energetic' as they appear to be, or unstressed and calm and posed when doing an interview. I am the DETOX DIVA after all, shouldn't I be GLOWING 100 % of the time, never sick, never run down and full of bursting with energy with perfect elimination. After all, I am the QUEEN OF THE COLON too!!! Then I realize... I am human. What has make me the DETOX DIVA and a healer, is that I have struggled with my health which has brought be closer and closer to really understanding how to connect with real people, in a real way. You have no idea how many of my clients feel relieved when they hear that I still struggle at times with my health and energy. They feel less pressure that they need to be perfect 100% and that even very healthy, conscious minded individuals still have demons they must face. It is within these struggles where we sometimes uncover just how damn amazing and strong we really are. My struggles have been my single greatest teachers. I just needed to remind myself of this today and wanted to share this little thought with you. Its a little pep talk to myself. I rock and so do you!!

1 comment:

Trude True said...

You certainly do Ami and thank you for knowing and sharing. So important to remember that the struggles do make us stronger, wiser and more beautiful, right?!!

Blessings Trude