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Saturday, May 23, 2009


In my last blog I talked about  my personal ongoing spring liver cleanse and gave my own recipe of loose herbs to create a liver detox.  As we should all be aware the SPRING is know as LIVER SEASON in Chinese medicine.  Also in Chinese medicine the liver is known to rule SKIN, JOINTS AND ANYTHING TO GO WITH THE EYES.  So automatically if you are noticing, break out, eczema, psoriasis, acne or rashes on the skin --your body is crying out to you. If you experience arthritis, joint pain, cracking joints, knee or shoulder pain or stiffness- HELLO AGAIN!! Or, any eyes problems, spots dancing, floaters, pink eye, swollen eyes, itchy eyes....ITS YOUR LIVER CALLING, ARE YOU HOME????  Even if you have none of these ailments, the liver most me cared for in the most delicate way as it rules the body.  Aside from our brain, the liver is King and the large intestines and colon are Queen and known as our "second brain".  For todays blog I want to focus on an herb or vegetable you might have seen at the grocery store or have some familiarity with, but often people I talk to have heard of it, even know what it looks like--but have never actually used it or know anything about its amazing healing qualities.  And the todays winner is ......BURDOCK ROOT.
Burdock has been used for centuries to treat a host of ailments.  It has been traditionally used as a "BLOOD PURIFIER" to clear the bloodstream of toxins, as a diuretic by increasing urine output.  In Japan and some parts of Europe, burdock is eaten as a vegetable and recent studies confirm that burdock has prebiotic properties that can improve health. In particular the endocrine system and as a liver tonic. It can be eaten, but I prefer to get burdock root in fresh dried form (available at most chinese grocery stores or on line.  I have seen it in my local area, so you might ask your local health food store or go online).  If you don't have time or money to get all of herbs listed in my last liver detox blog, you can simplify it down to 2 herbs.  Burdock root and saspirilla .  These two when taken together in a tea is a very powerful  liver tonic.  I highly suggest doing this tea for at least one month during the spring/summer months.  And please give your liver a break, it needs it!!  Much more about the grave importance of the liver and how to cleanse and support it.   I am all about the liver right now.  stay tuned!!

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