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Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Did you know that coconut water has 20 times the electrolytes found in the leading sports drink?....minus all the junk and sugar.

Did you know that coconut water has more potassium than two bananas?  Potassium keeps your body properly hydrated and prevents cramping.

Pure coconut water is undeniably the most nutritious and delicious beverage you could ever ask for.  When I was down in BRASIL, this is what I lived on.  But happily I saw that WHOLE FOODS is not carrying the VITA COCO brand which is imported from brasil.  It is 100% fresh young coconut water with nothing added.  It is all about hydration and your cells and skin will sing after trying coconut water for about a day or two. After life is the most strenuous sport there  is... so we might as well give ourselves all the electrolytes and minerals we can in the most joyous and enjoyable way we can, and I SAY COCONUT WATER IS IT.  And as a side note coconut water can be used as a cooling enema for PITTA TYPES.  If anyone has questions about this, email me or ask here on the blog.  LIVE ON

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